26 September 2021
A young and blonde(!) Bette Davis, dapper Douglas Fairbanks and wise-cracking Frank McHugh pal up and battle the Depression together, and it's one bumpy ride. The stars make the most of their roles together and you can tell they are having fun, which is the pre-requisite for a successful film. Years later, Davis poked fun at PARACHUTE JUMPER, if not for the curious title, but truth is that it's a very well mounted drama, peppered with some snappy dialogue and one liners that only the resourceful writers in the back room at Warner Brothers could cook up! And they did. An interesting footnote is that director Robert Aldrich used a clip from this film in WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE to showcase Davis' Jane character and her "bad acting". Davis may have had something to do with this as a way to get back at the studio for having her make the film in the first place, or the second place!! And be sure to play spot the familiar face in this one, and there are many fine actors present, including Walter Brennan in a bit part. Still a good companion for a lazy, hazy afternoon.... zzzzz.
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