Uneven mix of great style and ideas mixed with shoddy execution
23 September 2021
Gunpowder Milkshake focuses on Sam (Karen Gillan), a lethal hitwoman working for The Firm. But then a job goes sideways - they so often do - and she's forced to flee for her life as her old employers are now gunning for her.

I like a couple of things in this film a lot. First of all, it's very nice to see Karen Gillan getting a leading role in an action film. She definitely has the chops for it and she sells her role well, being able to seem unstoppable while at the same time remaining identifiable and entertaining.

Second of all, the neon coloured pop culture world created for this film is effortlessly cool and I'd like to see a slew of movies taking place in it. Think bubblegum John Wick and you're not far off.

Alas, the story of the film could have been better. More specifically, it seems unfocused. For example, there are these three women running a library while also smuggling guns and whatnot. Very cool idea. Superb idea! Barely focused on. The whole movie is like that. Cool ideas not given their due.

There's also a character, who we thought had already left the film for good, that comes back. Can't really talk about it too much without spoilers, but suffice to say, I was not a fan of them returning. Took too much spotlight away from Sam.

Gunpowder Milkshake is worth a watch for its good parts, but unfortunately its bad parts keep it from being an honestly good film.
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