The Nest (I) (2020)
Slow Burn
15 July 2021
"The Nest" was totally preaching to this choir.

The older we get, the more my wife and I find ourselves drifting into the life philosophy of minimalism. Our focus is on cutting all the junk out of our lives, not just material junk, but psychological and emotional junk as well. This means deciding where are priorities are, what's important to us, and eliminating things and people that interfere with that.

The patriarch in "The Nest," played by Jude Law, is pretty much the exact opposite of that. Never content with what he has (which is a lot when the movie starts, and more than most people on the planet will ever have) he insists on moving his family into a giant and decaying mansion in England in order to take a job that he knows will give him his big break. But it doesn't, and the effect his greedy lust for more, more, more has on his family comprises the plot of this movie. Law is very good, but Carrie Coon, as his wife, steals the show. Her character arc is the film's most fascinating element, a woman who's allowed herself to become subservient to her husband but for whom subservience doesn't come naturally. A couple of scenes, both set at dinner tables as it happens, where she asserts her dominance over her husband, are the film's most uncomfortable and memorable.

Some symbolism involving a pet horse is broadcast with all of the subtlety of a tornado siren, and the sheer unpleasantness of being around these miserable people may turn some viewers off, but I mostly found myself engaged with this one.

Grade: A-
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