Decent, I enjoyed it. I'm surprised it was nominated for an Oscar though.
25 June 2021
This is a good documentary, I enjoyed it because I really identify with one of the subjects. Although, I don't feel it was executed well enough to be worthy of an oscar nomination. Bing(producer/director) does a decent job of chronicling the lives of him and three of his buddies, but it's kind of a mess and doesn't go deep enough into their stories, and it also doesn't really end up anywhere. If I didn't identify so much with their personal lives and the scene they came up in, then I don't think I would have enjoyed it. Even with the identification, I still question why this was marketed commercially and not just made as a hobby project. But, it has good reviews from both critics and regular viewers, so I guess there is something about it that people really like.

Side note: can you imagine the insane amount of footage that would need to be edited for a doc like this? Dude probably had to go through thousands of hours of footage to make this.
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