Groovy Sequel
21 June 2021
Groovy sequel to "X Men: First Class" set about ten years later in the 1970s. Cue self-reverential period costumes, decor, and references (like lava lamps) that keeps the film cheeky. Some cheek is needed as a break from the mopey characters played by James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, younger versions of Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. And fans of Hugh Jackman's butt will be pleased to hear that it makes an appearance in this film, as does his hirsute chest (many times), making up for the fact that Wolverine had only a brief cameo in the first film.

"X Men: Days of Future Past" has probably the best special effects yet in the series, so no wonder it received an Oscar nomination in that category. My favorite set piece was probably the one where the mutant kid who can run really fast freezes time and we see him rearrange an action shot mid-frame so that a bunch of bullets that otherwise would have killed our main characters end up missing their targets.

Grade: B+
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