I found the scares that the other reviewers missed
6 June 2021
Looking at the reviews, and I see a lot of "where are the scares!". First of all, I'll say this movie is the best scary movie to come out in some time. Guys...we needed this.

Second, there were tons of moments that made my skin crawl, look away out of fear, and make me just downright feel all slimey and gross. The CGI is incredible in this film, I liked how they didn't hide anything like they've done in past movies (like that time a demon was being exorcised under a sheet...really?) in this movie, boy...you see lots. I find the scares were sophisticated, and definitely played with the psychological mind. I'd prefer that over tacky random jump scares any day. The scares made sense. That's all I want!

The antagonist was creepy, I just wish we learned a little bit more about the back story there. So much plot in so little time, I understand why some things were left out. I just wanted more!

Vera and Patrick were once again unstoppable. I will say I spent the first half of the movie very very very confused about who all the characters are and how they all know each other, aside from the main protagonists of course. But the kids...Are they related? Dating? Friends? Where does the little boy come from? Who knows! Maybe I missed something, but my mom and I were really confused and I had to google it mid-way LOL.

Anyways. Great movie, come for the scares, stay for the plot and execution. Well done, best horror movie of 2021? And possibly 2020?? Lol.
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