Casablanca (1942)
From Selfish to Selfless.
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Casablanca is an incredible film, the lighting, script, acting everything together just made this movie a classic like no other. What stood out the most to me was the use of music in this film. Sams voice of course was a highlight for me, his performances set this film above others in this time. Especially the use of the song "as time goes by" the song is so prominent in the film and there are so many different emotions that accompany it throughout the film. The song showed the evolution of Sam and Ilsa's relationship, there were the moments were the song was filled with anger and what was lost and the moments of them in love and finding each other again. With the movie being so fast pace there are a lot of moments that can be missed or misunderstood but the feelings the actors portrayed when "as time goes by" played made the feelings in those moments easy to comprehend. Also Rick of course was a stand out character and evolved greatly throughout the film. Rick was one person to Ilsa and one person to everyone else who knew him at the Cafe. After Rick lost Ilsa he became selfish and full of anger, but as the film went on he stripped away his hard exterior and ultimately gave up everything he ever wanted so Ilsa could have the life he knew she deserved. Ricks selflessness at the end of the film showed just how strong his love for Ilsa was, he chose her happiness over his.
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