Review of Nomadland

Nomadland (2020)
A Window Into Nomad Life
3 March 2021
This is a very quiet movie.

It is a very slow paced film due to it being a very "fly on the wall" tale, I didn't find that this hindered the experience in any way though, I was never board when watching.

I think the casting of real world people was a fantastic movie by the film makers. I really am a sucker for this type of thing in a movie like in Freaks (1938). It adds this realism to a fiction story that just can't be manufactured and lets you get some sort of glimpse into a world different than your own. It is very documentary like at times.

I think Frances was really good and I really appreciated all the effort that she went though trying to capture this lifestyle. Honestly though for me the real life nomads stole the show. I thought they did a fantastic job for people who are not actors. I could have sat and listened to their stories for the whole movie. I couldn't tell if these stories were their real life experiences or they were wrote for them to say but I was just captivated by them.

The shots in the movie are also incredible. Chloé Zhao really knows how to get an amazing shot. There are so many in this film. They are really a treat to watch.

I think the score is really lovely too and works well with the story. It is quiet and reserved much like the movie.

I do however think that the character of Fern could have been a little bit more fleshed out. I could see this glimmers of personality trying to break though but they didn't. All I know is that she was a friendly woman. She was kind. I inferred other things about her but I didn't know if I was reading too much into it. I think a key moment is when a character talks about Fern and tells us what she is like and I was so confused because this wasn't the person that I had been watching. I think maybe they could have spent just a little bit more time fleshing her out maybe if they removed one of the jobs she does there could have been time.

I would definitely watch it if you are at all interested in this type of film and I think that it is just an interesting watch due to the production of it. It's something a little different.
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