Sorry Patty, you tanked!
27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the review "utter disappointment", I also read the Washington Post article. " really getting to do whatever I wanted" she said. And what a sad commentary that turned out to be. All of her characters, props and settings were ridiculous. Kristen Wiig injects one of her babbling SNL characters in her first scene. A super villian she's not, even for comic relief. And where is the strong empowered woman that encourages other women to use their own powers? Then there is that magic lasso, Diana might just as well sat and her desk in the museum and flicked it to and fro since it appeared to have an infinite length this time around. Placing the film in her memories of the '80s this might work for Coppola or Scorsese but one's sense of history needs to be able to look further into the past to develop a view. Was that President supposed to be Reagan, surely you could have found someone who actually resembled him. So much for '80s memories. The scenes of an injured and defeated WW were way to drawn out, and the computers of the day were only beginning to go beyond pixelated pictures. The technology of the day would not have been able to broadcast to the world. And Gal Gadots talents were never realized she just wasn't involved enough beyond window dressing, more attention was spent on the sets and locations. And what disappointment the release streaming and theatre distribution. Although I love theaters (I spent 35 yrsin the movie business) where I live they haven't reopened yet. THe streaming was terrible stop, stutter, freeze. fortunately the movie was so bad the pauses were a relief. I wonder what Bill Diehl or Roger Ebert would have had to say about WW84? I'm glad I watched the credits, I couldn't believe how many people were listed. But then Lynda Carter made an appearance. 15 seconds of Joy out of 2 and 1/2 hours.
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