Extremely Disappointing in a Number of Ways
24 December 2020
One of the more unique aspects of the Vietnam War was the manner in which the Viet Cong had built a series of long tunnels in certain areas of the country with the most famous being in the Cu-Chi district just outside of Saigon. So when I saw a film that was based on this feature of the war I was instantly drawn to it. Unfortunately, I really shouldn't have bothered as this film was extremely disappointing in a number of ways. For starters, the size of the soldiers featured in this movie is all wrong as none of them fit the parameters necessary to be a tunnel rat. The fact was that the normal Viet Cong soldier was typically short and thin and the tunnels were deliberately made to barely accommodate them. So in order to be a tunnel rat one generally had to be-short and thin. Another strange scene involved the manner in which the base camp was set right in the middle of the jungle with no clearing, concertina wire, machine gun posts, claymore mines or anybody apparently guarding the perimeter. Again, that isn't how the American Army operated. Speaking of machine guns, in one particular scene one of the soldiers is firing an M60 from his hip while standing in the open. Well, maybe that's how Rambo might have done it but generally the first thing an American soldier is trained to do is to immediately find cover or concealment when under attack and the M60 machine gun is typically fired from the prone position. That's why it has a bipod. Be that as it may, there are plenty of other errors within this film but the main thing I didn't care for was the overall story itself as it didn't seem to have a point. Yes, war is hell. But it wasn't necessary to use 96 minutes to convey that message. At least, I didn't think so and for the reasons just mentioned I have rated this film accordingly. Below average.
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