Review of Enslaved

Enslaved (2020)
Excellent and Highly Accurate
29 September 2020
As stated. So far, this series provides accurate and detailed information about the Atlantic Slave Trade. I have made a study of the Atlantic Slave Trade on my own since 2012, and the facts that they present in this show are correct.

There have been detractors commenting on it and I will settle them. That means speaking very frankly, so here goes.

1) I have had my genetics tested, and I am as white as a cotton ball. If I can stand to look at this, so can you, so stop criticizing the series in an attempt to fool other people into thinking you're not afraid. I understand fear; my message is this: You.Will.Survive.This. No matter how bad it makes you feel, you will survive it. Your lives are not in danger. If these facts make you feel bad, well, they should. That doesn't mean YOU are bad.

2) We have to face this. Now. Not later, after it has been swept back under the rug for another 100 years, NOW. We cannot make progress on having equal justice for everyone regardless of skin color until we do face this. The days of suppression are at an end, and it's time to recognize that and summon our courage.

So here we go. This is not about blame, it is about facts. We don't include Barbary Pirates, the Arabs, the Romans, prehistory, the American Civil War or any other time period because this series is about THE ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE. Focus please. Are you sure you watched it? The Ashanti apology for their participation was covered in Episode 1.

You're darn right it's triggering. We need this because we don't have any trouble looking at other forms of slavery in the past. Anyone of us is reasonably comfortable talking about the Romans taking Briton tribesmen as prisoners and slaves, or even about indentured servitude, but we still won't talk about black slavery. See point 1 above about fear. So, failing to come up with any factual objection to the material, you criticized Mr. Jackson's weight? Talk about a fall back position! And a lack of creativity.

As for, "Sad / still bending / white man's acceptance / never fighting / being freed / racism / politics / I'm not the problem / its all your fault somehow / Kunta Kinte / cowardliness and selfishness... WHAT ARE YOU BABBLING ABOUT EXACTLY? Seriously. Did that have anything to do with anything but your own insecurity? See point 1 about fear.

Granddaughter, I save you for last. I will only say that it is so very sad to see you so threatened that you will do anything to try and tear this series down and erase it. The only thing that is sadder is a second generation American who has clearly not learned anything from the genuine horrors faced by her grandparents. They came here to escape a terrible evil, and you owe them more courage than this. The problem isn't the series, it's the fact that it scares you. See point 1 about fear. Having a dominant culture and allowing the remnants of other cultures to barely survive unacknowledged on the outskirts of it is not a beautiful multicultural society. We won't have one of those until we have honesty about the past.

For those who hung on this long, go see the series, it's GREAT!
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