I wanted the kids to get eaten...
19 September 2020
This series takes place before the events of the first Jurassic World film. It's about an adventure camp on Isla Nublar that has not yet been opened for the general public and is "tested" by some specially selected kids, of course ethnically diverse because this is a show from 2020. Having arrived at the camp, adventure begins.

The animation is quite good. It looks like a little more care was taken of the surroundings and the dinosaurs than the human characters. But I don't mind that because they aren't intetesting anyway.

And this is my main problem with this series. I love Jurassic Park and at least enjoyed the other films. All of those films had teenagers in them who were in trouble and in danger of getting eaten. But none of them were as unnerving and unsympathetic as the group of kids we are presented here.

Kenji, the rich kid, is unbelievably stupid and seems to have decided to think of the worst possible decision constantly and then do it.

Brooklynn the social media addict is kind of the main 'girl character'. I guess we're supposed to root for her but I just felt sorry for this attention-craving, shallow parody of a real girl.

And don't get me started on the kid whose name I couldn't even remember who is probably even scared of his own shadow in the mirror. Why did he join the camp in the first place? Was he threatened by his parents?

Probably the only character I found a little more realistic and engaging was the sporty girl simply because she didn't seem too over-the-top.

So, I watched the entire show to see if one or two of the kids get eaten by the T-Rex. Since this is a spoiler-free review, I won't tell you if my wish has been granted.

I know that this is a kid's show and I don't have a problem with that. There are great shows for kids out there! Shows with interesting, likeable characters who can function as role models for your own kids.

But this is not it. JW:CC has decent action and nice dinosaurs (probably the reason why anybody watches this anyway). If you care about more than that, don't watch it.
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