Frances Ha (2012)
Hated it-spoilers
31 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is so much wrong in this film I'm not sure where to begin.

Some filmmakers think that shooting in black and white instantly gives their film gravitas. This is not true. I found the use of b&w distracting and detrimental. It showcased the amateur qualities and attempt at instant hipster cred. Fail.

In no way is this film New Wave. New Wave looked to disrupt traditional narrative and offer insight, mood, character study, or sense of place. This movie is lazy, lacking any story, insight, or charm.

Gerwig's character as a dancer is a joke at best, offensive at worst. They are so far off the target of a dancer's life which must include incredibly hard physical work, determination, sacrifice, a bit of neuroticism, perfectionism, dedication, and single-mindedness. Gerwig is an awkward, ungainly, inelegant, tall, graceless oaf. These are not the qualities of a dancer. Dancers' postures are impeccable, if not even exaggerated. Gerwig clomps around like an overweight truck driver. She is the antithesis of a dancer, yet her dullard friends oh and ah at her wholly embarrassing attempt to demonstrate a dance move (soooo cringeworthy!).

Nothing happens in this movie. Why should we care about any of the characters? What are their redeeming qualities? Answer: there are none.

It makes no sense that Gerwig's character is given so many passes after committing so many social gaffes. Self-absorption, vapidness, boring drivel disguised as conversation, lack of direction, lack of interests do not make one quirky.

This movie is not funny; this movie does not offer any insights or new perspective. Can we please stop with the "broke" young New Yorkers living in huge, charming apartments! As someone who did live in the lower East side and was broke--this is not how it happens! It would be a thousand times more interesting if just the true struggle to find living in NYC were explored. But nope, no struggle and an endless supply of couches or bedrooms save the day for Frances, again and again.

I didn't realize the cast contains several offspring of famous people. This makes a lot of sense. Initially I gave small credit in casting female actresses who skirt the line of traditional female beauty. In finding out these were privileged, connected children of famous parents-even this small credit gets thrown out. It doesn't help that two of these women even look a bit alike. I was confused at some points because I thought they were the same actress! Not smart to cast similarly looking actresses for throwaway parts.

I've learned a very valuable lesson here: when a movie is terrible, just turn it off. Don't wait for redeeming qualities nor redemption in a third act. You'll find none of it here, that's for sure.

This is the type of movie that annoyed me so much, it is difficult to write a cogent review. STAY AWAY and shame on the dribbling, drooling critics who have fawned all over this dull vanity piece!
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