Fractured (I) (2019)
Irritatingly Manipulative
2 July 2020
The movie uses the format where it completely manipulates the viewer from the start to the "reveal" and uses the "well, the guy's crazy and you watched it through his perspective" rationale to justify it. If you enjoy being subjected to such cheap tricks, you'll probably enjoy this movie. If you don't, you'll be extremely irritated come the end of the movie and feel robbed of an hour and forty minutes of your life. I feel as though I have to stress that there is no "twist". Many reviews, good AND bad, refer to the "twist", the reviewers either saying they did not see it coming or that they predicted it in the first few minutes. Again, no twist. Simply telling the viewer in the last two minutes that the previous 98 did not actually happen is not a twist. It is a con. For this to be a "twist", the movie up until that point would have had to be filmed entirely from the perspective of the lead character in order to sell the preceding events as the delusions of a crazy person. It did not. You watch many, many scenes in the hospital from an outside perspective looking in, with some of the key scenes used to paint the hospital as something other than a regular hospital not even involving the lead character. If people want to claim that they predicted the ending - as people like to do - that is fine, but don't claim that people who didn't see the ending coming are stupid. I am not stupid, I just expect film makers to follow fundamental rules of plot delivery. I watched and listened to events play out with my eyeballs and ears that showed one reality, and at the end the perpetrators of this travesty effectively try and tell you that you were seeing it from the warped perspective of a lunatic. No. It was not filmed in a manner that could legitimize this premise. They are suggesting instead that YOU as the viewer are delusional, which is downright insulting. It is not a psychological thriller. It is not clever. It is cheap, tacky and wrong. I realise that I am belaboring this point, but again, a movie with a bad "twist" is one thing; this is something else entirely and I think the majority of the negative reviews miss that fact. Imagine watching Back to the Future, seeing Marty meet Doc Brown in the mall lot, watching Marty watching the doc get shot, seeing Marty then go back in time and change the past, etcetera etcetera, over the course of 90 minutes, then watch him wake up back in his own room. Now, instead of him getting out of bed, leaving his room and finding his new present altered, his family happy and successful, Doc Brown alive and well, a nice new truck in the garage, imagine the police bursting into Marty's room and telling him he is under arrest for the murder of the doc and also his entire family. Because you were watching it from the perspective of crazy, psycho Marty McFly, who went on a killing spree but in his mind time-travelled back to the Fifties in a DeLorean. Never happened, viewer, gotcha, Yeah. Hard to put into words how terribly wrong this movie is. Do not watch it.
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