21 June 2020
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey is way better than the first film, it's a sequel that beats the first film in every single aspect & brings us into a much more exciting adventure full of crazy Tim Burton style fantasy worlds & a full display of creativity. Bogus Journey is about two evil robot versions of Bill & Ted that have come from a dark future to kill off the dim-witted rockers & change history & the evil duo succeeds & Bill & Ted end up dead but their spirits are alive & end up down in hell, that's where the fun really begins, our heroes have to come back from the dead & stop the evil versions & save the day as well as their beautiful ladies. What we get is one of the most fun performances in Cinema history with the Brilliant William Sadler who completely steals the movie as the Grim Reaper aka: Death & he's absolutely hilarious in his role & shows his great range as a true performer as often he's cast as a Villain type like his excellent villain turn in Die Hard 2's Col. Stewart, another great performance by Sadler & a much better bad guy than Alan Rickman's from the first Die Hard in my opinion, another Sequel that i like much better than the first film. Sadler here is having so much fun as the silly buffoon Death & with his bizarre accent & wicked humour he's fantastic on screen, one of Sadler's best loved roles & probably his most iconic!!! Sadler is often underrated but never to me as he's been one of my favourite actors since my young growing up, obsessed with movies vhs days, Sadler was great in Trespass, Die Hard 2, Hard to kill, Demon knight, Tales from the Crypt & more. Now Bill Sadler seems to be getting alot more recognition for his long body of work in film & t.v & gets cast in "Big films" often these days like the huge superhero blockbuster Iron-Man 3 & the Horror reboot of The Grudge & the new John carpenter inspired & 80's Splatter Punk throwback Horror-Thriller VFW, Sadler seems back in Cinemas limelight again & I'm so happy about it.

Back to this fun & crazy fantasy adventure Comedy, here Bill & Ted are their usual silly selves but put into a much more fun & colourful fantasy world with beautiful sets & many wacky characters & plenty of standout scenes & quotable bits, all in all "Bogus Journey" is alot of old school pure 90's Nostalgic fun with a full cast all having just as much fun as we do watching it all. A much better movie than the original & a now iconic movie thanks to Bill Sadler's unique performance as the show-stealing Reaper!!!
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