Decent action-thriller
20 June 2020
Samantha Caine lives in a small town with her daughter. Eight years ago she emerged, two months pregnant, from a nearby river with no memory of her past or who she is. She has private investigators trying to figure out those questions. Then, after a serious accident, some old skills start to return. In addition, she starts to attract the attention of some dark and shady characters.

Decent action-thriller. Great action scenes and a reasonably intriguing plot are the main positives. Geena Davis is also very good in the lead role.

Could have been far better though. Much of the intensity and intrigue is dissipated through corny one-liners, cheesy sub-plots and silly plot developments. The set up is also pretty slow, dull and painful: from the synopsis you know where the movie is going, so why drag it out? Samuel L Jackson as Mitch Henessey is mostly responsible for one-liners and his character wears quite thin very quickly.

A tighter plot, less cringy dialogue and darker, more intense tone and this would have been brilliant.
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