Ok, but not up to the quality of the show.
15 May 2020
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this movie. I just believe it has several flaws that prevent it from being outstanding.

First off, the CGI is obviously not great. But if you account for the fact that this movie was released in 2001, when CGI was still somewhat primitive, then this movie's animation could be considered passable. This is not the only problem with the animation, though. It has several errors, including one that is just baffling that they left in. To those that have watched the movie several times or have keen attention to detail, you know what I am talking about. But for those who did not notice, here is what it is: in the scene where the aliens get Jimmy's message , he introduces himself to him, and then proceeds to take out a picture of his mom and dad, pointing to them and introducing them as well to the aliens. It is seen here, if one inspects closely enough, that Jimmy says "Mom" he points to his dad and "Dad" when he points to his mom. This is an inexcusable mistake, and one that can give someone the implication that this film was rushed to be released.

Secondly, the film has some pacing issues in a few scenes. These instances aren't too glaring, but they certainly make the movie drag on a bit (which should not be the case for a movie that is less than an hour and a half long.) The two scenes I found to be pacticularly poorly paced were the introduction and the resolution. I found the intro section to drag on a little long, especially when the parts where Jimmy and Carl are flying through space and when Jimmy is getting ready/going to school. I don't have too much of an issue with this, as the introduction helps to establish the characters and the situation. What I do have problem with though is the resolution, which honestly seemed a little rushed. I also found the parts where Cindy asks Jimmy to help the other kids is slightly forced. I also think Nick to be a rather stereotypical cool kid, for the most part. He did have a few good moments, but yeah. Most of the other characters are stereotypes, but they at least have twists, unique traits or interesting motivations.

Third and finally, some of the jokes are a tad corny for my taste.

Despite all this, I found this movie somewhat good. It's shining moments are the character interactions and most of the jokes. This film isn't perfect, but no film is. You cannot appeal to everyone. In conckusion, I would recommend this film to people who enjoy sci-fi , comedy and or wacky animation.
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