Did I correctly interpret the ending to mean.....
12 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
.....that the kidnap victim becomes a kidnapper herself?? So after she sneaks out to leave her house for good, she ends up in a park where she sees an unattended child and decides to kidnap her to make the child her own? She had just 'ran away' from home without a dime to her name, no drivers license/ID card, no job or place to live, yet she's planning to kidnap a child to keep as her own from thereon out?? Not to mention the fact that she knew that her own kidnapping was wrong and punishable by law, but now she wants to become a kidnapper and take a child away from her parents, as she had been herself at the same age??

If so, that proves that she was either mentally unbalanced all along, due to her own years in captivity, or she became unhinged after being rescued and returned to her true home, most likely due to the actions of her misguided mother and her father moving out, or both. Either way, it was a bizarre cliffhanger-ending that no one could've predicted or been prepared for.

Before the absurd ending, the movie was a believable study about a kidnap victim coming home after years in captivity - being her formative, developing years to boot, and how she and her parents handled it. I liked the stark realism of the no-flash, non-Hollywoodized scenes: little to no background music, washed-out colors, and realistic silent awkward pauses throughout, instead of snappy comebacks and rapid responses which so many movies consist of and not how humans actually speak.

The abstract left turn of the mother taking the desperate, forcible approach to get her daughter back in every way - not only physically but emotionally too - was not easy to watch at the same time it was almost understandable. Also understandable but hard to watch was the girl being so torn between missing her captor and wanting the life she had with him back again, and resuming the life with her parents in her actual home that she had no interest or invested emotion in whatsoever.

The acting and dialogue were exceptional, the story was realistic and compelling, but the last two minutes of the movie ruined all that to the point that I could only manage to give it 5 out of 10.
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