Time Bandits (1981)
Smart, Funny, Feel-Good Movie
6 May 2020
A wonderfully imaginative film almost immediately. Six Time Bandits (lead by David Rappaport, but also has Kenny Baker, Malcolm Dixon, Mike Edmonds, Jack Purvis and Tiny Ross) visit little Kevin (Craig Warnock) one night. They have stolen a map from The Supreme Being (who shows up later and is played by Ralph Richardson) and are travelling through time to essentially rob people. Later you find out the six helped God create the world. Kevin joins him on their journey away from The Supreme Being. Through their travels they meet Napoleon (Ian Holm), Robin Hood (John Cleese in to me a hilarious role) and King Agamemnon (Sean Connery) in Ancient Greece. Thing is there is also the villainous Evil (David Warner in a quite funny role) who wants the map as well, because he wants to rule the world.

Produced and Directed by Terry Gilliam, who generally is extremely good at adding humour to a deep story, which he does quite well here. Written by Gilliam and fellow Monty Python member Michael Palin (who also stars in the film). Ex-Beatle George Harrison also was one of the executive producers.

To me though when re-watching this film I find that Sean Connery alone grounds this film. Whether or not you think it needed to be grounded is up to you, but he is a terrific actor who also adds a serious star power to this film.

If you enjoy Monty Python, or like movies that make you think with a bunch of laughs or want a movie to watch with a bunch of buddies I would suggest this Terry Gilliam classic.
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