Miracle Workers (2019–2023)
This is a good dark show, and silly, we need these
2 April 2020
First off, I created an account just for this review. I have a fb and twitter and i have never touched them, just to lock up my name, I'd rather be in the mountains than be on fb. I like this show, season 1 was something unique, I think we're all looking for unique content these days. It was very Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxyish, the book, not the movie. You cannot successfully put multiple books into a movie, stop it. The character chemistry was great, I like that the show uses rated R language as well, it's not over the top, but realistic. People seem to hate season 2, I liked it. A complete flip from heaven, to shovellin'. There aren't too many shows that address the medieval time period in history, and who would hae thought such a unique job was out there. The Fred Armison episode was great. The father son tension was good. The love interest tension was good. There's always a moral point or two to an episode. I awaited each episode, it's a smart show. Big Bang is not a smart show, it debases intelligence. The only big network shows I watch is Brooklyn 99, and the Orville, when's that come back?. I liked the good place. Don't give me politics, give me a good story arc, smart dialogue, likeable/hateable characters. We need some of these shows in our lives to decompress. It's Always Sunny, why do we love it, because it's stupid, and we forget about things for 22 minutes without commercials. I want more of the jumping around timelines, with this same cast, they are great together, even the king. If American Horror Story can do it, why not a show like this? AMH, needs help though, maybe they need a dark ages season.

I hope the right people see this and make a season 3, I like this show.
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