The Banker (2020)
All round enjoyable !
29 March 2020
Its nice once in a while to watch a film that is just good , easy to follow and is just all round enjoyable to watch. Plus the added bonus of learning something new as well, is always nice.

Two things drew me in to watch this film , 1) The fascinating story of two black men during the 1950's and 60's in America managing to own a company by having a white man be the face of them. Sign me up to watch that..........I do love some true story drama's this certainly is one of them....2) Samuel L Jackson...........Do I have to say anymore, I'll watch anything with him in!!!

There are two main reasons why this film works for me. Firstly the cast , all of them are great.....there is not a single actor out of place, all of them just fit so well and have great chemistry between. That chemistry is amplified between Samuel L Jackson's character and Anthony Mackie..........they work extremely well together , bouncing off each other in scenes...great to watch. You can tell that the two actors actually get on...........I would go as far as to say that is the best thing I've seen Mackie in........doesn't do as many serious roles like this being tied up to the Marvel films all the time......he should definitely do more!!! Jackson is well.............just his usual best.

The other shoutout on the acting side I want to mention is Nicholas Hoult.......again similar to Mackie doesn't appear in many roles like this but definitely should be given the chances more often. I thought he was great in the film and was a good counter to Jackson and Mackie.

The other/final reason this film works for me is, somehow the writers have written a script making this subject matter interesting and not boring!! Like who really wants to hear about buying property......snore or calculating banking............With the help of great actors they got all the relevant information in the film and it was easy for the audience to digest. Big praise for this because even though it seems simple, if this part of the film doesn't work and becomes to overbearing or too could easily ruin the film and make it bland.

I think its a really eye opening story to something that I am not surprised was happening but was fascinated to see what would happen to the two gentlemen in the end.......these two men had a much bigger impact on society in America than I could have imagined......Samuel L Jackson's character was right , they started a revolution !!

70% out of 100 its a good solid film , as I said in the beginning of this review......this film is nothing mind blowing, its not gonna change the world nor is it gonna win any awards.......but does every film have to do either of those things.....Nope! Its just an all round good enjoyable film with some great performances , a fascinating but yet sad story , with a great script and adequate directing.........You cant go wrong!!
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