Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Spoiler Alerts!
4 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
SATC - Sex And The City

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been watching SATC since the day it aired in 1998. It is now 2020. I'm rather appalled at the viewers that down it and didn't enjoy it. Quite frankly, I think they are just haters that were, and are, too scared to live their real free life. My girlfriends and I would gather every week and watch it together, laughing and giggling at the realness of a single woman's life. I actually think that the four characters represent the many facets of one single woman, it's just too complicated and confusing to the viewer to squeeze it all in to one character so they separated us into four for easier viewing and banter. At the time of its first airing, every man I discussed it with hated it because they hated seeing that women were just like them and we were out, loud, and proud of it! They preferred the masochist, patriarchy stereotype they had bestowed on us. Sex And The City set us free!!!!! It was a relief to be out and proud (and popular view) of what many women everywhere really were like instead of fibbing and hiding in the shadows about our lives so men would like us. Men finally had to face the fact that we are just like them (surprise! we're human too!) and we didn't want to feel shame and hide it anymore. And the men I knew, hated it. They slowly dwindled out of our viewing group. One actually said he didn't like it because he didn't like the women giving away the leg up that men used to have on women. It was empowering to be a woman at the time and this show suddenly made the playing field equal. Men hated it. Even the fashions were empowering! The women were dressing for themselves and not to attract a husband or a one night stand, it was just for them (with the exception of Charlotte, maybe).

Now 22 years later we're watching 'reality housewives'. The New York Housewives are my favorite. And while it's called 'reality', I pray it's not and watch it as pure entertainment. I have to. I have to think it's some kind of joke otherwise the Houswives shows set us back 30-40 years if not more! They are extremely catty, mean girls, and have ridiculous rules like wearing a bra after a certain age!?! Hello??? Maybe if you ventured out of your UES bubble you might learn that bras were burned in the 1960s! I can't even believe that needs to be said. And another of the Housewives rules of not wearing a bikini after a certain age no matter how good your body looks. Are you serious?!? What rock did these women crawl out from under or were they just born yesterday? Cuz I wasn't and their hypocrisy is actually squirm worthy at times. So...I pray it's not reality, and if it is...I pray Andy Cohen saw them and thought they were such crazy dinosaur relics that he had to do a show about it because nobody would believe women still acted like that in this day and age.

If you are looking for freedom and fun and are grateful to be a woman and do it your way then you have to watch Sex And The City. You don't have to act like any one character, be all of them...heck, be none of them, but give it the respect it deserves for what it did for womenkind and their freedom whether you like it or not. And let's keep the ball rolling instead of regressing.

I will never be shamed by my "number" fact, I'm never even telling it again...even if I could remember.

And to the young girls that didn't like it and thought it was wouldn't be able to do half the things you do if it weren't for shows like this paving the way. Just in jewelry alone it made strides for women. If SATC can do that for jewelry, imagine what it can do for your whole life. So sit back, open up a couple of bottles of wine, better yet, set up your own personal mini bar, smoke 'em if you've got 'em, open your mind, binge watch the series and movies and get ready to start on the beginning of the most important thing in the journey of your life-YOU
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