Birds of Prey (2020)
A -Completely- Fun, Big " Antiheroine " Romp For { Adults }.. This Film's -Completely- Bonkers💥💣 BUT ..I'm { Still } Not -Completely- Certain What To Quite Make Of It😶😶...
28 February 2020
  • Harley Quinn { to Cassandra Cain at the supermarket } : " There's two ways we're getting that diamond out of you ; this.... "
  • ( ..Shows her laxative ) .
  • Harley Quinn : " ...or this... "
  • ( ..Shows her a carving knife ) .
{ Cassandra very " Wisely " chooses the laxative } .

OK, so first , a couple of the ->- { ' Plusses ' } ->- in Random Order . Let me start by saying that this film has an Absolute " Killer 😉❕" Soundtrack . By the time the " Super Phatt " beats of rapper Jucee Froot's ' Danger ' -{ Absolutely }- " Exploded💥💣 " into the already 'frenzied' cinema that I happened to be in ....heralding the funky credits at the end... I was entirely cognizant of having thoroughly {❕} enjoyed the final act of " Birds Of Prey " . Suffice to say that the satisfyingly lengthy & Totally Mad { " Carnival Of Death + Funhouse Mirrors + Ghouls ( Goons ) " } 'Finale' fight sequences, rife with the 4 - { Yes "Four", in that ( -even- ) Cassandra Cain.. the young girl (❕) in the story ...partook in the action } - other female principal actors led by Harley Quinn, in the 'fight of their lives' in Both ' serious & dramatic ' - As Well As - ' meretriciously & lavishly Comedic fashion ' . . . . { More Than } elicited its required response from me. Not to mention the fact that I was able to { -Joyously- } observe ...yet again... that even a ( Seriously 😜 ) 'Wacky-As-Bats' film like this can come packaged with a few Good & Uplifting Ideals mixed in there... 'somewhere' ....{ Eg. Sisterhood, Second Chances, Taking the higher ground -( Even )- if it means risking one's life towards that end .....etc. } .

It became strikingly self-evident... ( to me atleast ) ..Very Early on in the picture that Ewan McGregor's Wildly, Colourfully, Despotically Evil " Black Mask ->- a.k.a Roman Sionis " might just as well have been an amalgam of -{ Both }- 'Harvey Two-Face' -{ And }- 'The Riddler' from Joel Schumacher's " Batman Forever " . Which would put " Birds Of Prey " , by way of a broad, loose aggregate, at a - { Sort Of } - weird cross between -( say )- a 'Batman Forever' ( 1995 ) & a 'Moulin Rouge' ( 2001 ) ; with a generous handful of some of the more Nefarious aspects of -( say )- something like the Iconic 1990 Mafia Classic 'Goodfellas' - { or, for that matter, literally... just about ->- ( Any ) ->- other " Gloriously Profane ⛔ " & - Very - Violent big budget Adults-Only film out there } - thrown into the mix, as well. Now, ' In - And - Of - Itself ' . . . that wouldn't " Necessarily " be a bad thing. But once all those " Rampant { 💥❗} Mf-s and F-s and B-s " - and a whole lot more - start flying around as freely as ever , you { - Seriously - } find yourself being rudely 'Ripped' out of the otherwise 'nice and cozy' comic-book movie " Suspension Of Disbelief " that you might have been experiencing previously . . . . & thrust into what could easily be "Just another huge, messy - { and yes . . Adult } - high stakes action Crime Drama " .

And that brings us squarely to my ->- { Absolute } ->- No.1 Gripe about Birds Of Prey. Let me put it this way. Would it's upcoming ( and very -Obviously- talented ) Director have ' Willingly ' allowed a young daughter of her { -- Own -- } , ( Hypothetically Speaking, Of Course ), to play the part of the aforementioned 'Hopelessly Compulsive' pickpocket ( & product of a 'Horribly' broken home ) Cassandra . . . . Get This . . . . that -- { ⭐⭐ 13 ½ ⭐⭐ } -- year old Ella Jay Basco 👩 plays in the picture. Now to those of you who { -Have Already- } seen the movie ( & pretty much - know - where I'm going with this )... do hear me out. I { - Entirely- } understand that Ella is a 'Professional' Actor just taking a given Character off a page, & bringing her to Life. But I ask atleast the - { Parents Of Young Children } - among you . . . . . . . given - ( All ) - that Ella has to witness & partake in over the course of progression of the whole story : from the Profound Glorification of theft, to the often Profound levels of Outright Bloodletting & Gore, to the - { Very } - " disturbingly " liberal🎈use of Profanity . . . right the way thru said picture . . . ' And All Points Inbetween ' . I mean... could the scriptwriters - Seriously - not have written the part for say an 17-19 year old teenage girl instead { At the very least (❗) } ....with more or less the - { Very Same } - desired effect❔❕. ⭐⭐ Just Saying ⭐⭐ .

Summation : Well, The Film ->- { Most Certainly } ->- Succeeds In Its Attempts To Be A " Non-Stop And Splendidly Chaotic , Almost Psychedelic Kaleidoscope Of { - Vivid 🍭 - } , Vibrant And Mercilessly Unrelenting Mayhem , Colour And Carnage " . . . . . All At Once Reminiscent Of Films Like ' Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat ' ( Video - 1999 ) , { - In The ' Purely ' Visual & Stylistic Sense , That Is To Say - } . Yes , That - Is 🌠 - This Troubled Picture's ' Saving Grace ' . . . . . So I'm Giving It A Conflicted Yet Ultimately Decisive 👊🔥 7.50 Marks Out Of 10 .
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