Review of The Cave

The Cave (I) (2019)
The Cave (2019) - 7.4
7 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Act 1 - 7.1

Act 2 - 7.3

Act 3 - 7.8

Film is about Amani and her team fighting for those who are injured and saving thousands of lives in the cave

Film touches on the sexism of this region and how religion helps suppress the women here

About fighting for something you believe in

Can't help but compare it to For Sama which was a more intimate look at a similar situation

Being filmed by a documentary crew does make the film feel more artificial

Great insight into those fighting for their lives in a war torn country

Strong and impactful film with strong imagery that is worth a watch to learn more about the situation in Syria

Opens with powerful shot of bombs being dropped on Syria

About the people trapped in Ghouta, Syria were a war is being waged on the people

Dr Amani and her team have stayed behind in Syria to help save the wounded in an underground tunnel system and hospital called The Cave

The tunnel system is massively impressive

For Sama and this film both about the Syrian crisis and atrocities

Terrible and heart breaking imagery just like For Sama of people injured and dying from the bombings on their own people for revolting against the regime

Somehow Amani is facing sexism for being the hospital manger and helping hundreds of people and she's being mistreated by some because some think a woman's place is at home and shouldn't be working, old stereotypes in this religious and outdated part of the country are ridiculous

She is saving lives but some think a man could somehow be doing better

Doctors using their limited supplies to do their best

Amani became a doctor to combat the awful world around her and help

Feels less natural than For Sama is the filming isn't done by Amani but an actual documentary crew, less intimate

Follows Amani, operating doctors and supporting staff as new patients keep coming in with injuries

Always hear the planes above and dropping bombs all around them

Constantly watching the news to see their world around them being destroyed by the Regime and Russia

A lot of voiceover from Amani

Have to worry about fortifying the hospital

Cave became a bunker for survival form the war above

Really like the scene with Amani and the girl just talking and connecting to her, emotional, personal moment

Amani even makes some house visits for some kids

Amani says their religion is a tool to suppress women, which I completely agree with is this part of the world

Can't make any decisions for themselves as they are the husbands property

Still finds moments to appreciate life but tragedy is always around the corner

Seeing all the kids injured and in pain is terrible and hard to watch

Infuriating thinking this is allowed to be done to innocent people with little resistance and support from the rest of the onlooking world

Amani questions her place seeing starving children while the hospital is always supplied with food and she never goes hungry, they are running out of medicine

Amani turns 30 and works on her birthday and some of the girls throw a small party for her

But again back to reality with bombs going off nearby

Hospital is in danger and must move some people to the tunnels

More bombs leads to more patients which leads to more death and chaos which affects everyone

So much pain and suffering and fear of the unknown

People are dying from chemical attacks too adding more panic, so messed up to witness, very upsetting

Like the messages form Amani's father

Have to evacuate because no longer safe after chemical attacks

Amani questions her future which is uncertain

Amani and team saved thousands while working in the cave, incredible

Dedicated to those that lost their life fighting for what is right

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