Textbook Example Of How One Single { Truly 👾 } Racist Word , And A - ( Completely ) - Predictable Ending , Can All But Wreck An Otherwise { Very 💥❗} Thrilling Film
13 January 2020
A { ' micro ' } DVD-review .

Let me get straight to the point . " f...headistan " . ( The word is Clearly Audible at exactly 00 hours, 48 minutes, & 40 seconds ) . This tragic utterance, commissioned by none other than Gerard Butler's modern day "Swashbuckler" & U.S Presidential "Super bodyguard" Mike Banning, changed the movie for me. And not in a very pleasant way, at that. Occurring shortly before the 'halfway' mark, it is said to one of the Primary Antagonists in the story, and said to him.. { solely } ...on account of his perceived ethnic identity .

Banning consequently goes on to torture and viciously murder this character right before the somewhat "naively unbelieving" eyes of a seemingly shell shocked Aaron Eckhart, playing an 'alternately fiesty and coy' President Benjamin Asher. In a later scene he once again { ->- Very ->- } Brutally tortures a 'terrorist' for some Very Urgently needed "vital & actionable intelligence", almost to the point of death, & has to be physically restrained by operatives of the elite British 'S.A.S' Special Forces who arrive on the scene { just } in the nick of time. The way I see it, Mike Banning proves, unequivocally, that he can be ' Just As Vile, Cold Blooded, & Outright Unhinged ' ...{ ->- if not " More " ->- }.... as the purported 'terrorists' that he and his close friend, the U.S President, were up against .

The actual truth of the matter is, in fact, that the actual depiction of the 'Blitzkrieg' ( from the German WWII strategic term of reference meaning 'Lightning Warfare' ) Style " Full Frontal Assault " on the English Capital was nothing short of { Brilliant }, as were so many, many ( Other ) aspects of the film, as well. Now, I most definitely understand how deadlines, contracts, spur of the moment ideas, multiple input sources ..& the like... might play into the ultimate output of ( Any ) high wire action film on ( this ) magnitude, but even having said that :

" Dear Gerard Butler, you Co - Produced this picture. You should ->- { Never ⛔ } ->- have let ' that ' word stay in the final cut. That, & . . ( Of Course ) . . . there's that ' Super Predictable ' ending. I am indeed, ' Super Disappointed ' in you " .

Ergo : What ' Could ' Have Been A { Full Score } From Me... Is Now, Very Sadly ....Just 5.50 Marks Out Of 10. What Can I Say ? Why , " Viva - la - f...headistan , Of Course ⭐ 😬❗" .
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