Anti-war picture exposing quite often Soldiers's mental breakdown!!
31 December 2019
What a picture from the master Joseph Losey over the mental breakdown that all soldiers were expose mainly in WWI, where many sources state as the most bloody war ever, this picture wisely telling an usual story from those soldiers that were affected by this invisible enemy, his mind, over such atrocities, corpses rotted all around on the mug, on the trench, on barbed wire, body totally mutilated by garnets, everything, this was the message to the viewers when a private soldier Hump (Courtenay) was taken to court martial after disappears from his unit without any fair explanation, he just walked to nowhere, driven by fear, under a mental collapse, arrested by the Army and sent back to be judge, the Captain Hargreaves will be his defense attorney, the martial court was improvised on a small tent over rainy day, then Hargreaves got to expose that the soldier was under mental pressure to did like that, even the Army's judge agreed with the point, it will probable open a dangerous legal precedent over such matter, fabulous picture made in the past that displays how the war got so damages on the soldiers over such barbarism of the war!!!


First watch: 2019 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 8.5
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