Review of Mr. Klein

Mr. Klein (1976)
I Know that I am in the Minority
18 December 2019
I know that I am in the minority but I found this film (1) impossible to understand and (2) all but impossible to sit through. I will not bore you with detailing the film's plot, because other reviewers have already done it and likely done it better than I could.

What I can say is this. I saw the film in its 2019 re-release. I saw it with people who are, in my opinion, film-smart, and not one of us had a clear understanding of what happened up there on the screen. And to me - regardless of whether or not 'confusion' is the actual point of the film - this says that the film simply doesn't work.

I read reviews of the film in its 1976 release and read reviews of its re-release. And having done so it is clear that paid-reviewers are paid because they can find detail, can piece the detail together into a theory, that the normal movie reviewer (such as me) simply cannot. And since my belief is that most of you are unsalaried movie-goers I'll simply say this.

Miss it.
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