"You'll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid."
10 December 2019
This is one of, if not THE most iconic Christmas movies of all time. If you have never heard of this movie or heard people quote it or reference the scenes, you live in a cave. And if you DO live in a cave, I question what reception you have to be able to read this review!

Well, anyways, A Christmas Story is the classic movie about Ralphie, a 9 year old boy who wants one single thing for Christmas-a Red Ryder BB gun. But there is one obstacle, his mother, teacher, and even a department Santa all say it's a bad idea, because, quote: "You'll shoot your eye out."

When I was younger, my mother sheltered me from many different movies for religious reasons, examples being- No Harry Potter for witchcraft, and no Titanic for nudity and pre-marital sex. A Christmas Story was one of those forbidden films, for the gun part of the plot, and the swearing, and other aspects of the movie.

However, I have seen it now-I was 12 when I saw it for the first time. If I had to guess, I have seen it about 7 times in full, and a few times in part on TV. And it's worth seeing that much, because of how fun and entertaining it is!

I mentioned that this has many iconic scenes. Who doesn't know about Flick getting his tongue stuck on his pole? Or Ralphie getting soap in his mouth for saying the F word? Or the Dad's obsession with a sexy lamp? Then there's line's like: "You'll shoot your eye out", "Oh, fudge", and "Fra-GEE-leh" -It must be Italian!"

The acting is great too, and film buffs like myself can recognize other actors- Peter Billingsley is in Elf as the elf that tells Buddy that he's special and not a "cotton headed ninny muggins." Darren McGavin, The Father(or "The Old Man" as Adult Ralphie calls him), is the Dad in Billy Madison as well. And for my final example- Melinda Dillion is the Mom in this and also E.T.

TNT and TBS also have an annual tradition of playing this on Christmas Day 12 times in a row. I remember seeing in a documentary on TV that they actually offered to do that and that's how the movie's popularity grew. If you have never seen this movie, that's a great way to catch it, but stores are selling it now as well.

All who see this should end up cherishing it. While I wouldn't show it to a very little kid, for kids maybe 9-10 and up and anyone older, this is a must watch for the holiday season!
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