There isn't just a 1 or a 10, you know?
20 October 2019
I get that Dark Phoenix isn't the best x-men movie around. I do. For me, it is Days of future past, followed by x2 and first class. But in no way does it deserve that level of bashing it receives.

First of all, Sophie Turner's performance isn't bad. She just has a different acting style than Famke Jansen who played Jean before. I think she transports the insecurity, vulnerability and underlying strength of Jean nicely.

I also liked that this is a movie that takes itself seriously and doesn't constantly wink at you, going: "Don't ask too many questions, we know it's ridiculous. See, we're even making fun of ourselves" like MCU or even recent DCEU-movies. Of course, when there is some clumsy dialog or something it becomes more obvious if a movie doesn't 'wink' at you and wants to be taken seriously.

Of course, Dark Phoenix is a rather dark movie with not many lighthearted moments. That was to be expected if you know the source material.

Speaking of which: I'm so fed up with people who think they know how a movie version of a certain comic book story should play out. There's more than one version of this story. So why not cut the movie some slack and accept one more version, even if it's not how you imagined it?

I have one serious problem with Dark Phoenix though and it's Jessica Chastain's villainess. She doesn't have enough to do in this movie and seems to serve only as a 'threat from outside'. In my opinion, her character was just unneccessary because the story is not centered around her but Jean.

So please rate the movie fairly and not just based on your expectations. This is not the worst movie of all time. It makes some bold decisions that apparently are not to everyone's liking. So what? There are more numbers than 1 and 10 here, right?
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