Great fun!
14 October 2019
I know Dodgeball is stupid. But I really like it! I know the movie is knee deep in clichee. But I enjoy it anyway. Is it predictable? Oh yes. But it's great fun nonetheless. How come?

First of all: the way school sport dodgeball is presented like the struggle for life and death just makes me smile all the time. It's so over the top!

Speaking of over the top: Ben Stiller acts like a pumped up maniac and owns every scene he is in with his enormous stupidity, pointless word play and even with his ridiculous facial hair. You can see he was having a blast and so was I watching him.

Call me simple but I also had a blast watching the players getting pounded by balls, wrenches or whatever is thrown at them.

Finally, being German, I almost fell off my sofa laughing when David Hasselhoff appeared as the coach of the aryan German team. Genius!

So no, this isn't the best film ever made and it's also not the best comedy in the world. But it's great fun if you like sports movies and have a soft spot for stupid humour.
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