Disappointing and bland
12 October 2019
Was this movie made by the same author who made Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul? Did he put less effort in this than in his average 45 minute episode? Does aging really have this rapid deteriorating effects on both the director and the actors? This movie poses so many troubling questions.

The plot of the movie is very simple, and is delivered in a confident manner of some filler episodes of the famous series. Cameos, done as mostly flashbacks, of Mike, Heisenberg, Jane the girlfriend are all checked in an OK way. What movie lacks is interesting plot or any surprises. One particularly stupid gunfight falls far short of the standards even of filler episodes of the main series. We do not get to see what happened to Walt's family (did his plagiarizing rich friends deliver the goods etc), and closure regards mostly Jesse, but that is not the real reason the movie is so bland. One cringe worthy flashback involves fat Todd, who should have been digitalized or put on some heavy diet (as should have some other actors who aged much, deep fakes should have done the job). The one nice point was friendship of skinny Pete and Badger, but the whole thing felt like one stretched out and mostly filler episode. Quite mediocre for a feature film, and disappointing given the quality of the series, yet I will mark it a bit over what it deserves on account of good old days (should be rated much closer to the bottom objectively).
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