The Tall Grass, The Giant Rick,The Church= The Redeemer
6 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies, if you fail to miss a small scene, then it will really confuse the hell out of you. My understanding of this movie is that the big giant rock in the centre of the field is linked to the church. In the bible, the New Testament the redemption word group is used to refer both to deliverance from sin and to freedom from captivity. The two main characters story is that Becky is leaving to give her child away to another family and leaving her husband. When they both hear a voice of a child calling for help. Both go into the field searching for him.

What happens next they are all lost and searching for one another. Why I say the Rock is the redeemer, you touch it and it shows you the way back out? Simple- Ross has touched it and instead he turned into a greed man, who wanted nothing but to keep selling the idea of touching the rock is amazing- resembling a liar of a salesman; at the beginning of the story you see him on the phone talking to a member of staff regarding being untruthful, deceptive. That's why he would never show others the way around as he just wanted other to buy the idea of touching the rock.

Tobin touched it; he was a child and said he knew the way out at the beginning- told Travis to touch it but he didn't. Tobin was free of sin and that's why nothing had happened to him.

Becky; didn't touch the rock but the rock showed her a big lesson- of not giving the child away by feeding her the child, one flesh.

Cal touched it; he Continued to die every-time, why because loved his sister more then he should, he kept telling her to continue the journey it giving your child away and leaving the father, he pushed Travis- attempted murder and continued to sin.

Travis touching the rock- killed Ross first who was a man of sin to save himself and the rest. By touching the rock he did find the way out, sent the child back to stop Becky and Cal every entering the grass and stopping Travis every coming to search for them. The boy turns up in the church a person free of sin to send a message to Becky that taking the child away from his father is a bad idea, so she decided to return and stop by the police station to help the child as his parents are dead, dad being a sinner and killing his wife.

It is a moving maze with only one way out, touch the rock and if you are sin free you are redeemed back into the church.
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