Stallone really knows how to rip your heart out
20 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Growing up watching the Rambo movies in the 80's many times over, I was excited when Rambo returned in 2008. It was a very emotional movie, with Rambo angrier and more brutal than ever. With the box office success of that film, I've patiently waited for the 5th installment, and here it finally is. I decided last minute to go see this thing on it's opening night... the theater was nearly 70 percent full. Everyone in anticipation for what will probably be the last chapter in the John Rambo saga. It's a different Rambo film... no police pushing Rambo out of town. No Russians or Vietnamese to tangle with. This Rambo really, really just wants to live a clam life that perhaps he always wanted. The guy is even on medication to help him stay cool, but, there is the evil in the darkness that wishes to torment an already tormented soul, and that soul is John Rambo. He seems really content with his new life with his adopted family. He has a beautiful young girl in his life, who calls him Uncle John lovingly. In all honesty, I wouldn't have minded a complete film on the relationship building of the people that are in his life. Just John on the farm with his family. Raising the young girl and seeing her grow into a young lady that will soon be off to college. Rambo is very proud of her, and protecting, but she has a demon in her past too, and it's her father that has left her and moved back to Mexico. As with most children that have been abandoned by their paternal parents, she yearns to see her father and ask him the one question that eats her alive. "Why did you leave my mother and I?" A question she soon regrets she ever traveled all the way to Mexico to ask her father. In doing so, she has betrayed her families trust, but Rambo loves her and becomes hell bent to save her from the cartels. Without giving too much away, when Rambo finally sees her again to save her, it is bittersweet. He has invested his last ten years into this young girl and to see what happens to her, (and in real life) happens to so many human trafficking victims with pull the tears and your heart strings. When you wipe away the tears, you find a completely unhinged Rambo that takes out the bad guys with a rage like no other. Bare hand bashing, hammers used to break skulls, shotgun blasts, decapitations, knives to just about every part of the human body you can imagine. How the hell Stallone keeps the action sequences so fresh after nearly 40 years is beyond me. Is there moments of redundancy in the film, yes, but not overly... and as an action film, a complete 10. Go for a blood bath of ecstacy and get ready to hold on for one hell of an action packed ride.
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