Christmas Dress (2016 Video)
Well its not too exciting
18 July 2019
Review Date 7/18/2019

I have Reviewed OVER 500 "Christmas Films, & Christmas Television Movies , & Television Specials". Please BEWARE Of films and specials with just one review! For instance When "It's a POSITIVE" chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. "If its Negative" then they may have a grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare. I am on a mission to watch every Christmas Movie ever produced. Since 2014 I average 100 per year.

It's Christmas Eve, and Leland Jeppson's hope is gone. Struggling to get by in their rustic homestead, he had at least wanted to give his family a special Christmas. But with a blizzard blowing in and the train bearing their gifts nowhere in sight, it seems Christmas is just one more thing they'll have to do without. But as dusk falls, the Jeppson's' packages unexpectedly arrive at the post office in the not-so-nearby town. Half-blinded postman George Schow is hesitant to brave the storm, but his son, Sidney, will stop at nothing to bring Christmas to the Jeppsons-and ask their daughter, Ellen, to the New Year's Eve dance. Now it's up to father and son to battle fierce elements in an attempt to deliver a Christmas miracle. Don't miss this heartwarming reminder that while God helps those who help themselves, sometimes He does so through others.

Now the film has a few nice moments but this has no scenes that grab you by the heart. It is a forgettable film but its not bad. Its just you can watch again in a year and it will be like watching it for the first time.
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