A Dog of a Script with Some Very Good Actors
17 June 2019
Alex and the List

The best way to summarize the script is that it has to be one of the worst scripts ever made into a movie. It is completely formulaic, composed of a conglomeration of innumerable disjointed scenes that were supposed to be funny by themselves, which together comprise a very bad movie. I'd much rather watch one of the 100 Hallmark movies about cooks who fall in love than this film!

The male lead who is supposed to be a nice dog walker turns out to be one of the lowest energy human beings that you could ever run into anywhere on this planet. Again, not in a very funny "The Office" (the movie) sort of way. His affect is that a dedicated pot smoker who walks through life completely stoned. To top it off, he is unable to make any decision by himself. He often seeks out guidance from a highly unlikely source of wisdom.

The script is an insult to Michael Nouris's talent. He actually says some reasonable things (despite needing to work more on the consistency of his accent) as the "film's rabbi," which are immersed into the surrounding inane scenes.

Jennifer Morrison who plays Katherine is a very decent actor as is the dog walker's best friend, played by Karen Gillan. Gillan is a great actress. To shine in the middle of a mess of a script is not easy.

Katherine's father is played by Bob Gunton who is a normally a very good character actor playing a horrible role depicting a complete idiot of a father, and not in a humorous way. Thinking about his role now, I feel very sorry for the actor. It must've been a painful job.

The character who is supposed to be challenging the dog walker for Katherine's hand is yet another stereotype. I assume the actor with the role can't act, but that might be unfair, because his part was so ridiculous. The way he keeps showing up is annoying and unrealistic. One would have to assume that Katherine was braindead or emotionally crippled enough to allow that to happen. The trouble is, she's not. It doesn't fit her character.

Katherine's final ask of her to-be-fiancé is ridiculous given what we know about him...

The most important scene near the end is beyond ridiculous. What is very sad is that it was supposed to be funny, and it wasn't funny at all. Loose ends are tied up in an absurd way. At this point you might want to throw something at your screen, but you won't because you realize there are good writers out there who will bring you better movies!

The very last scene is a cute little bow the writer tied, and you will once again want to yell at your screen as a warning to the last person to appear in the cast.

I apologize to the writer if this hurts your feelings, but you really should not have tried to sell this film. You should have taken it as a starting point to write something much better.

I would've given this movie a one or a two which would be stretching it if it weren't for the acting. The actors don't deserve a two.

Or maybe they should've just refused to take the role. I realize that working is sometimes prioritized over quality. I can understand that but it leads to a lot of lousy movies being made.

In fact, I would suggest to IMDb that they separate the script score from the acting score, and have an overall score for the movie. This could be optional. If the script is very good and the actors are very good then you only need one score.

PS For parents, there is a very graphically depicted sex scene despite the presence of panties on the woman involved who plays yet another horrific role - badly. The man is naked beneath her. It should've been rated R for that alone. Those who are offended by graphic sex should not be subjected to that scene...
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