Review of Stoic

Stoic (2009)
13 May 2019
I never thought I'd see the day when I'd witness an Uwe Boll film that was not only competent, but compelling as well. This film is dark, and not for the faint of heart. It's not as horrific as films like Salo or A Serbian Film, but it's a taught and stressful experience nonetheless. The cinematography is largely handheld, which helps add tension and convey the frantic and disturbing mood. Boll's direction is far more competent here than in any of his other films. The acting is very convincing, and watching Edward Furlong, the kid we all loved in T2 and Detroit Rock City, unleash his inner demon is a genuinely frightening thing to behold. Unlike something like, say, A Serbian Film, Stoic has a message to it. It's not blatant exploitation for the sake of ruffling people's feathers. It'll make you think after the credits roll, and make you fear what horrific acts people are capable of committing with hardly any provocation.
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