Totally forgettable slasher
27 April 2019
"Graduation Day" is another slasher flick I watched years ago that I decided to revisit because I couldn't remember anything about it. Maybe it's an overlooked classic, I thought, or at least worth another shot.

Then I start watching, and as I always do, realise pretty quickly the reason why I couldn't remember anything about it: there's nothing about it TO remember. It's totally forgettable, but nevertheless, I will write about it here so I can revisit this review later if I find myself wondering.

The movie features an abundance of outdoor scenes around a university, particularly their athletic facilities, like a running track. I assume this was probably because they didn't have permission to film in doors.

Maybe that is why many of the killings involve athletics in some way. Like when a guy is stabbed with a blade that has a football attached to it. In another scene, a pole vaulter dies in a mysterious accident that is conveniently not depicted, but we do see her leg with a pole sticking out of it. That wouldn't have even killed her! They could have at least had the pole sticking out of her chest.

The violence is pretty sub par, with an unconvincing decapitation scene, and not much else to describe.

The nudity also is pretty tame. Scream queen royalty Linnea Quigley appears in an early role and takes her top off, and there's flashes of nudity from one or two other girls.

Oh, and the plot? I don't really know. Something to do with athletes getting bumped off. It's told pretty confusingly.
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