Us (II) (2019)
A really interesting Horror movie with a great premise but big problems
24 March 2019
Whilst not just as good as Get Out, Us is a film I really can't stop thinking about. I kind of liked it, I kind of didn't and honestly, I'm a bit conflicted. I think the cinematography and concept are absolutely fantastic. The acting is pretty good and the score is great. The editing is probably the weaker parts of a really damn good film and really lets down the script and a lot of the execution.

I think some of the script is half-baked with plot-holes but what it does with the concept itself feels like something out of a great short story. The main actress is fantastic honestly, she does a great job and what happens at the end really turns the plot on its head and I'll definitely be having a different experience in the next watch which is great.

I really love how bizarre this film is, I love the ambiguity and the direction. I love the style and execution. It's a sort of creepy style which I've loved in other short films which hasn't really been explored until now. There are some great unlaying themes in there as well but it still definitely has its problems especially in the sound editing (the soundtrack is great but it is overused in parts where it didn't need to be) and the editing itself especially in several cuts between the past and the present.

In the end, though, I see myself really coming to love it on a second watch, I honestly can't stop thinking about it even though there were some things that could be better but this film really shows that Jordan Peele is a force to be reckoned with especially in Horror. I would love to see him tackle other genres or Horror sub-genres. If you liked Get Out, you'll probably like this film too, it's a really interesting film and it will be talked about for years to come. I give this movie a Not Perfect but Very Interesting/10.
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