Review of Us

Us (II) (2019)
Just because you want it to be good, doesn't make it good.
21 March 2019
Jordan Peele is at it again!

Hard to say too much about this one without spoiling, but here goes. The acting is good, especially considering many of the actors plays two roles. They all do a bang up job in that regard. So no trouble so far. The movie looks good. I have no complains here either. It's technically very well made. We always see what's going on, no shaky cam or anything like that. Some nice shots too. The humor works pretty well, the dialogue comes off as natural. I like the beginning of the movie, the family is pretty likable. The movie is sort of a mystery, and when the mystery unravels is when we get to some slight problems. The scrips seems to be based on a pretty good idea, that was never thoroughly worked out. It just isn't thought all the way through. I am left with several questions, and not in a good way. This is spoiler terriroty, so I won't go into detail, but it didn't sit well with me. Doesn't seem to make sense. The plot has more holes than a swizz cheese. (that almost no critics talk about this is very strange)

Now, in the movies defence, the sub-genre it turne out to be is very far from my favorite, so others might like it better. I've seen a lot of horror movies, and this is just not one of the best ones. It is mediocre. Not a weak movie, but definitely no classic. Will not be watching it again.
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