Incredibles 2 (2018)
What's with all the hate?
6 March 2019
Let me start with a few words about what films are. Films are manipulation of the audience. They manipulate our feelings through pictures, music, sound, acting, mise-en-scene, editing etc... Disney and Pixar represent the absolute mainstream of film-making. It almost is expected of them to send messages to their supposedly young audience (although I can't imagine all the hate comments were written by the target audience...). Most of the time Disney sends out messages to manipulate us. Sometimes it's "It's okay to be different", sometimes "friendship is important", "Stay true to yourself" or "fight for your dream". Almost everybody can relate to those.

In Incredibles 2 it's time for female empowerment. This is just as valid as the other messages I mentioned but as you can see when you read other comments about the film, it creates some controversy. I think it's unfair to shout 'Propaganda!!' here and not also talk about Moana, Frozen and other films that have strong female characters. I think all the criticism is not valid. Mr Incredible isn't weak here. He actually is the most relatable of all the Parr family. He's not un-manly because he takes care of the kids and fails at first. He's manly because ultimately he succeeds in the end. Elasti-Girl isn't better than him. She puts career and the 'greater good' before family. This is controversial at least. She also draws wrong conclusions, needs rescuing and isn't the most capable of the Supers. So what is all the fuzz about?

This is a fun film that has a message not everybody might enjoy but that is equally important in our day and age. Yes, it might be too much for 5 year old kids. Then for god's sake, don't take your 5 year old to a film that's about a superhero family and takes about 2 hours! See 'Cars' again on Disney channel! I truly enjoyed the spy movie spoof moments, the whole family dynamic, the humour (for lots of the jokes it also helps if you're older than 5...), the animation and yes, also the message, although I admit it is quite in-your-face.

If like me you don't trust 1-star and 10-star ratings, watch the 'Incredibles 2'. I can't imagine any sane person that enjoyed the first part or the "How to train your dragon" films to leave the cinema truly disappointed.

Finally, this is a way better sequel than 'Finding Dori' was. This one takes more risks and tells a different story than the first part.
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