Review of Fed Up

Fed Up (2014)
Sugar Is The Enemy
21 February 2019
Fed Up is a documentary that is based off of people who are obese and have a problem with consuming too much sugar and foods. This documentary shows how kids in their early teen years are obese and why. Also what they do to try and become healthy again. This also makes us realize that we need to take care of ourselves and watch what we are eating and doing in order to maintain and healthy and good lifestyle. There were 3 main kids in this documentary and they were all under the age of 15. The oldest one was 14 and he was over 400 pounds. He had to get gastric bypass surgery. One of the four kids was a girl and she touched me the most because since I am a girl I felt like I could relate to her in a emotional and self confidence type of way. In some of her videos where she was talking she would cry because it's hard for her to lose weight it's not because they don't want to lose it it's just because they have a big appetite and they love to eat. Also once they lose weight they always some how gain it back. I could relate to her in a way when they were talking about how girls worry a lot about their body and what they look like because I think about that a lot. I always tend to think that if you have a skinny body and you are slim then everyone will like you. And I feel like people won't like you if you are not slim and good looking. Especially for the kids in their early teen ages will get teased and picked on. That will hurt their self-esteem and make them not have confidence in themselves. In this documentary they had also talked about the food industry and how they get us to purchase and consume their products. What stood out to me was how a lot of products had made a reduced-fat version of their products but the thing that had shocked me was the amount of sugar in both the original product and the reduced-fat one. They both have the same amount of sugar just the amount of calories is lowered by ten in the reduced-fat one. So basically you are intaking the same amount of sugar and just taking in ten less calories. Do you actually watch the commercials that appear in between your show?Commercials is another big cause for why we consume a lot of sugary products. This is a problem because in the documentary they talk about how one main thing that influences us to buy all these unhealthy products are celebrities who star in commercials. They are a big influence because most people like to listen to music and follow celebrities. For example if Beyoncé is drinking a Pepsi and tells you to drink it then you would go and drink it because you like Beyoncé and just because she is drinking a Pepsi you feel like you now have to go and drink one as well. Most commercials you will see a celebrity that you know acting or staring in it and they are most likely advertising something, most likely a drink or some sort of food, restaurant or place to go. I would highly recommend this documentary to kids either becoming a teen, in their teens, and or adults. They should watch this documentary because it really opens up your eyes and kinda shocks you a bit. It makes you consider re-thinking about your life and what you are putting in your body. This documentary could make you realize that you might need to change the way your are living and what you are consuming so you can stay healthy and live a good life.
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