Miracle Workers (2019–2023)
Trust me - God has a sense of humor
15 February 2019
To all of those upset by this show's humorous take on all things Heavenly - lighten up. Do you really think the Lord doesn't have a sense of humor? In the first place, He created man in His own image (Gen. 1:27) - meaning if we are capable of humor, so is He. If Moses' word isn't definitive enough for you, let me tell you a little story. I used to have a Great Pyrenees, a 150 lb sheepdog, who was allergic to 21 different substances (I had him tested). Twenty of the 21 things were environmental; mostly plant-based. Want to take a guess what that 1 other thing was? What's the absolutely, positively, very last thing on the face of this tired old planet to which a sheepdog could possibly be allergic? Yep. You guessed it... Wool. Never let anyone tell you that God doesn't have a sense of humor.

Given the endless parade of mayhem, excess, zealotry, barbarism, bigotry, intolerance and atrocities invariably perpetrated by men who have historically claimed to be doing so in service to the Lord, and taking into account the feelings of displeasure, disappointment and anger in Him these must surely engender... do you still seriously think He's going to waste that much time getting upset about a silly half-hour sitcom?

Is it irreverent? Yes. Is it time to call up Torquemada out of retirement? No. If it offends you, there's a simple enough solution - change the channel.
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