The Quest (1986)
JEER - (4 stars out of 10)
8 February 2019
The stage curtains open ...

I remember watching this as a teenager once, late at night, and liking it. Then as time went by, I completely forgot about it. As chance would have it, I came across it by accident, 30+ years later and decided to watch it again. After finishing it this time around, I had to shake my head and wonder why I liked it back then.

Henry Thomas (of E.T. fame) plays the part of Cody, an American boy who loses his parents and has to go live in Australia. He is a bright and inventive kid who quickly wins over friends in the area. He takes it upon himself to investigate strange goings-on at Devil's Knob park where there have been some occurrences at a pond there. Believing it could be the mythological monster, the Donkegin, he sets out to find the truth. What it turns out to be is not what he expected.

This film really is a labor to get through. The cinematography is cheap and sloppy. The acting pretty much non-existent, except for one part where Henry Thomas takes to tears (something he's always done well), and the story subpar at best. And the final reveal was pretty lame. This is not a good movie. The only reason I am giving it 4 stars out of 10 is because of its sentimental value. It does take me back to a fun time of my life.

This is not a recommend. You would have to be a big Henry Thomas fan, or Aussie film fan - or, very sentimental about this movie to enjoy it. I wish I could give it a better review, but I wouldn't feel justified in doing so.
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