A Serious Man (2009)
Quantum Physics Aside
29 January 2019
There are two ways to watch this movie: One, taken at face value as a slice of life movie presented in the typically painful dark comic stylings of the Cohen Brothers. In which case, the writing, acting, story line (and lack of deus ex machina there in) about a put upon drudge in 1960's suburban Minnesota will not disappoint. Trust me. Go on. Enjoy. Or, 'B', informed by the many breakdowns and analysis provided by the internets in which case you may find yourself going "Oy Vey!". The first way, at face value, is how I like to watch movies. It is, in my humble opinion, art in it's purest form. I like a good denouement phase as will as the next guy but when you have to have someone else explain it in order to appreciate it, it morphs into something else. Having said that, I was intrigued enough by what I watched the first time to watch it again informed by the cheat sheets on quantum physics, the uncertainty principle, Werber Hiesenberg, and the super-posiition. This latter perspective did provide some resolution and undoubtedly enough impressive fodder for my next cocktail party but it also left me in the "super-position" of unfixed propability and unable therefore to identify the movie as being 'good' or 'bad'. Ha! See what I did there?
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