Puff Piece
25 January 2019
Watching this movie, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Jim Carrey had actually met Andy Kaufman. Not because of the way he portrayed Andy - but from the way Jim pats himself on the back for the duration on the move at how 'close' he felt to Andy. You'd think they'd been drinking buddies.

Andy Kaufman was a game changer in comedy, a true original.On the other hand, Jim Carrey pulls funny faces, makes funny voices and plays in kiddy-comedies.

Jim is basking in the limelight of a much greater talent. You think Andy would have played "Pet Detective"? Not a chance.

Andy was the artist. Ultimately Jim is just some guy who pretended to be that artist. I think perhaps Jim may be unaware of the fact that biographical movies represent a complete genre and that he simply did something that many did before and many have done since.

Where Jim does excel is in being a jerk to people when not filming. We hear all this nonsense about not knowing where Jim ended and Andy began. Well it's simple - Jim was pretending to be Andy - a guy he'd never met. So where Jim ended was Jim and where Andy started was not at all.

The bottom line is that Jim thinks his performance is up there with the Sistine Chapel.

Like all actors, Jim gets paid to make-pretend. He's taking himself way too seriously - I suspect because looking back, being a rubbery faced funny voice maker isn't the legacy he'd envisaged.
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