Review of Porky's

Porky's (1981)
Puerile but funny '80s comedy
7 January 2019
This classic '80s comedy is set in a South Florida high school in the 1950s. It is centred on a group of boys who are desperate to get with the girls. After failing locally one of them suggests they go to Porky's, an establishment deep in the Everglades in the neighbouring county. They know Porky has a reputation but head there anyway... for their troubles he relieves them of a hundred dollars before dumping them in the swamp. Most of them vow never to return but one of them is determined to get his revenge... with painful consequences. Back at school the boys plan to peek at the girls as they shower and a young male sports coach tries to find out why an attractive female coach is nicknamed 'Lassie'.

If you don't like puerile humour then you'd best avoid this as it contains numerous gags about sex and genitalia. There is also a moderate amount of nudity, both male and female and the characters aren't particularly likeable... at least the antagonist is even less likeable. There are plenty of funny moments, some very funny as well as some awkwardness as characters uses racist language, even if it is clear other characters disapprove. The cast are okay, even if they are clearly much older than the characters they play in most cases. Overall I wouldn't say this is a must see but if you don't mind the style of humour it is pretty funny.
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