The Jacket (2005)
5 January 2019
Reviewing this kind of movie is pointless... It's a subjective experience. That's why I gave it 10/10... Somebody might not get it at all and give it less stars and that's OK. As for the movie itself, I can only say it was a cathartic experience. Not a lot of movies make me smile with the characters, not because it's funny, but because I'm happy for them. Not a lot of movies make me cry, and this one did it. It's beautiful, it reminds you that our every action is noticed and means something to someone, and what's most important, it reminds us that we are not immortal, so we don't waste our given time. If I could recommend any movie for all people to watch, it would be this one. Watch it... Not because it needs to be more popular ( that's also true), not because of the movie itself... No... Because of you... Because of you...
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