Some men are SO Evil that the ONLY way to deal with them is to . . .
7 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . dissolve them in a giant vat of "Nitrohydrochloric acid," the always eponymous Warner Bros. warn America with THE BIG SHAKEDOWN. "Dutch Barnes" is a serial womanizer, who lashes out at any of his former lovers brazen enough to "kiss and tell," THE BIG SHAKEDOWN reveals. Dutch is particularly adept at driving successful companies--such as the "Odite" concern here--into bankruptcy. The under-handed Dutch surrounds himself with a blindly loyal base of core supporters, who wage a Reign of Terror against the Honest Majority of Americans through lies, falsehoods, intimidation, threats, strong-arm tactics, Fear, Hysteria, and Chaos. Dutch manages to insert his tentacles into every crevice of American Life during THE BIG SHAKEDOWN, greatly undermining Civility, Public Safety, Common Sense, and Basic Morality. Warner's prophetic prognosticators of (The Then Far) Future foresee a day here when the U.S. Mass Media will be able to elevate a Big City Hoodlum with a modicum of personal charisma and an ocean of gall (like Dutch) into Public Enemy #1. Warner uses THE BIG SHAKEDOWN to argue that there's only one prescription to cure a case of Dutch-at-the-Helm Disease!
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