Karn Sangini (2018–2019)
Amazing show with gripping story line, uruvi character is plus for karnsangini
30 October 2018
After seeing first promo I thought who is uruvi, it's created so much curiosity because vyas never mentioned about karn personal life

Later I got to know it's from novel Karna wife and writer did amazing job in that book and she researched so many points to make it perfect

Uruvi is like reader of Mahabharata because I always used to feel y noone questioned about casting system in that time than we have much better society without reservation 😉

I watched 6episodes and I'm glad I got to know about this show, uruvi is someone who believes talent rather than caste system and she have courage to express her opinion Infront of anyone

Plus points for this show

Uruvi character added so much freshness to this show, you can easily connect with show because actress is very talented who is expressing everything with her eyes

Gripping story line

Bgm and dialogues r 😍

Leads have amazing chemistry

Karn actor voice is very good
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