Review of Gremlin

Gremlin (2017)
Surprisingly, I Enjoyed This
14 September 2018
I was expecting to find a cheap rip-off of the film "Gremlins." That's certainly what you would expect from a movie entitled "Gremlin." But it isn't. The story is completely different. This "gremlin" isn't at all like those we find in the other movie. They were mischievous, violent, destructive and sometimes they even killed people. But somehow overhanging that story was a sense of fun. Even with the terrible things that happened, you couldn't help but chuckle. Not here. There's nothing funny about this "gremlin" - and there's only one. He's a murderous little spider-like beast who lives inside a box that has come into the possession of a family who can't get rid of it. They can't destroy it; they can't "lose" it. It just keeps coming back. And one by one they face the inevitable: a violent, bloody death. There's no whimsical theme music here. It's dark; this really is a horror movie. And the most surprising thing of all about this? I actually enjoyed it!

That I wasn't expecting. But this is a decent little movie. It's short and it's fast paced. It dives right into the story, and it manages to put together an imaginative tale about how this box and this creature came to be. I even thought the performances from a little known cast were decent enough. Not great perhaps, but good enough that they didn't take away from my ability to enjoy this. The creature was interesting - and in some ways seemed to be paying a little bit of homage to the "Alien" creature as well as to the "Gremlins."

You can't (and shouldn't) take this too seriously. If you do - then, yeah, it's a pretty weak movie. But if you approach it with realistic expectations it's actually a lot of fun - and, to be honest, in some ways I think I actually liked this a little more than 1984's "Gremlins." (7/10)
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